JavaScript Client Object model makes an Asynchronous call to
the Server through WCF service and sends a XML request and then this request
will be processed at the Server Side and return the JSON response.
To Get all the values of a Choice Field from SharePoint List
and bind to a drop down control without using Server Side controls and Object
We can use JavaScript Client Object model to retrieve the
choice values and bind to the dropdown.
First, we need to Register the SP.js file in our code,
through which only the HTTP request will be created and sent to the server. Registering
this JS file is important since in SharePoint 2010 all the JS files will not be
downloaded to the Client for better performance and only the required files
will be downloaded to the Client.
You may now ask How does SharePoint ensure that only the
required files are downloaded to the client machine? The answer is the
SharePoint 2010 Script on Demand (SOD) framework. SOD ensures that only the
required files are downloaded to the client and provides options to load them
in the background after the page has completed loading. SOD is a class defined
in the init.js file and contains methods for loading scripts, registering
script dependencies, executing methods within a loaded page, and event
notification. You use SOD to load the OOB SharePoint js files and your own JavaScript
SP.SOD.RegisterSod("SP.js", "\_layouts\SP.js");
/* Below line will make sure to call your JavaScript method only
after the SP.js file loaded at Client side*/
Below is the script will get all the choice values and adds
to dropdown. Add a Content Editor web part to page and copy the below content
to the HTML of the Content Editor webpart.
(Check the inline comments for more description)
<script type="text/javascript">
SP.SOD.RegisterSod("SP.js", "\_layouts\SP.js");
function GetChoiceValues()
// Get the Client Context of the Current Web
var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
var web = context.get_web();
// Get the list, Change the List name appropirately
this.taskList = web.get_lists().getByTitle("SportsTeam");
// Get Filed Collection from the List
this.fields= this.taskList.get_fields();
// Get the respective choice field (choice field) from the list using the Internal name
var deptChoiceField =
/* To Use all the objects and their properties we need to Load and Call the Execute method which creates the XML resquest and results us with the response*/
/*Here we are calling the Execute method after loading all the required properties*/
/*Based on the execution result, Sucess or Failure methods will be executed */
function onFailureMethod(sender, args) {
// We can the exact error details using get_message method of args
alert("Error Occured:
"+ args.get_message());
function onSuccessMethod(sender, args)
var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
// Converting the Field to SPFieldChoice from the execution results
var myChoicesfield =
//get_choices() method will return the array of choices provided in the field
var choices = myChoicesfield.get_choices();
var elem = document.getElementById("Choices");
if(elem != "" && elem != undefined)
="<table><tr><td><select id='sports'> <option
value='SelectSport' name='Sport'>Select Sport</option>";
l= choices.length;
// Now here we are just looping through the array of choices and framing the html dropdown control
type='button' id='gobutton' class='gobuttonStyle' value='Go'
elem.innerHTML = divHtml;
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