We might came across few scenarios where combination of
columns makes Primary key in the DataTable. In such cases we may need to group
by multiple columns in the DataTable and create unique records in the table.
Using Linq we can implement the above scenario,
var qryLatestInterview = from rows in dtPositionInterviews.AsEnumerable() orderby rows["Created"] descending group rows by new { PositionID = rows["PositionID"], CandidateID = rows["CandidateID"] } into grp select grp.First(); dtPositionInterviews = qryLatestInterview.CopyToDataTable();
In the above example, combination of CandidateID and
PositionID makes the record unique. So we can group the DataTable by
CandidateID and PositionID and can get the Unique set.
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